Any other key type must be already registered with the kernel via a kernel service. 其他任何密钥类型必须已经通过内核服务向内核注册,然后才能使用。
The kernel module registers a new key type. 这个内核模块注册一个新的密钥类型。
Operations defined with struct key_type are used to instantiate the payload with data and also to read back or modify the data. 可以通过structkeytype定义的操作用数据对有效内容进行实例化,还可以读取数据或修改数据。
Having created a new key type, we next want to try using the kernel module. 创建了新的密钥类型之后,我们来试用一下这个内核模块。
Key authentication is tried for each private key type found locally. 对于在本地找到的每个私有密钥类型,尝试执行密钥身份验证。
Key types are represented in the kernel by struct key_type, which is defined in include/ linux/ key. h. 密钥类型在内核中由structkeytype表示,这是在include/linux/key.h中定义的。
Two files are created for each key type: the public key ( in the file ending. pub) and the private key. 这将为每个密钥类型创建两个文件:公钥(在以.pub结尾的文件中)和私钥。
The key type can be user or keyring. 密钥类型可以是user或keyring。
Register_key_type is used to define a new key type. registerkeytype用来定义新的密钥类型。
The rsa key type is used in the demonstration, but other key types are also valid. 在演示中使用了rsa密钥类型,但是其他密钥类型也有效。
To add a new key type, it must be registered by a kernel service. 要添加新的密钥类型,必须由一个内核服务注册它。
The module then calls register_key_type(), in its init function, to register the new key, which is named mykey. 然后,模块在它的init函数中调用registerkeytype()来注册这个新密钥类型(名为mykey)。
Key type drill chuck GB/T6087-1993扳手钻夹头
Key type drill chuck, which is widely used in various minal and fixing enterprises, is a kind of drilltightening device. 扳手钻夹头是广泛用于各工矿企业,装修行业的钻头夹紧装置。
The name of the element or attribute designates the particular key type that is required. 元素或属性的名字可以指明所需的键的类型。
The session key type was not recognized. 会话密钥类型未被识别。
The private key module encountered a request to generate an unsupported key type. 私钥模块遇到生成不支持的密钥类型的请求。
Note: the returned array will keep the first array item's key type. 注意:返回的数组将继续保留第一个数组中的所有项的键类型。
Please specify a private key type. 请指定私人密钥类型。
The key agreement key type is unknown. 密钥协商密钥类型未知。
Key type automatic gearbox is used to adjusting the cutting of paper length. 采用链条式无级变速箱调整切纸长短。
Viper guarantees high precision while cutting any laser key type and fast duplication time even for the most complex key models. 韦伯能够在保证高精确度的同时,适用于各类立铣槽钥匙和快速复制各类复杂的汽车钥匙。
An unrecognized session key type was provided. 提供了无法识别的会话密钥类型。
By analysing the relationship between structural parameters of rolling key type clutch and the controller and braking angle of brake, the author has deduced a theoretical formula for calculating the braking angle. Concise relationship is indicated in the formula. 文章从分析转键离合器和操纵器结构参数与制动器制动角的关系入手,导出了制动角的理论计算公式,该公式给出了制动角与离合器和操纵器结构参数间的简明关系。
Method of determining braking angle of bake matched with rolling key type clutch 与转键离合器配合使用的制动器制动角的确定方法
An Approach to the Cost Reduction of the Materials of the Key Type Drill Chuck by Using the Theory of Value Engineering 运用价值工程原理降低扳手钻夹头材料成本的探讨
Polysaccharides which have same compositions, the content ratio of their monosaccharide is different, and indican key type has some difference. 组成成分相同的多糖它们的单糖的含量比例也不同,而且糖苷键类型也有差异。
The software has friendly interfaces and output the measurement results in a way of "one key type". 该软件界面友好并且可以一键式输出测量结果,极大提高了测量的便捷性。
Reading lesson is the key type in high school English teaching. Consequently, reading research is of practical use for high school teachers. 阅读课是高中英语教学的重要课型,研究阅读教学对高中英语教师而言,具有实际意义。